Manufacturers Of Eco-friendy
Solid Clay Facebricks
& Pavers
Leaders Since 1992
Servicing the Western Cape for 30 years
Reliable Delivery
Deliver all around the Western Cape
Deliver all around the Western Cape
Fired Clay Bricks
Superior Strength SOLID Clay Bricks
Superior Strength SOLID Clay Bricks

Browse our selection of durable facing bricks suitable for all construction projects. We offer a wide range of colors in our collection of high-quality products.
Explore our selection of durable facing bricks that are suitable for all types of construction projects. A wide range of colours are available in our high-quality collection, including red, brown, plum and yellow.

Browse our selection of durable clay pavers suitable for all projects. We offer a wide range of colors in our collection of high-quality products.

Wheatstone Paver
Need help with your face brick or paving solutions? We are the experts!
why use cabrico?
Cabrico offers an aesthetically appealing range of 50 mm and 73 mm solid clay pavers as well as solid clay face bricks in 73 mm in a variety of earthy colours that will compliment any structure including housing developments, office parks, public pedestrian walkways and residential driveways. Whether it be a single building or a large development, we are able to accommodate any project.
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